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Parallel Processing Techniques in Python


Before considering methods for parallelizing a computation, it is important to first identify and eliminate any unnecessary computation that may be slowing down your program. Unnecessary computation can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Performing the same computation multiple times when the result could be cached and reused
  • Doing more work than is required to produce the desired result
  • Using inefficient algorithms or data structures

By identifying and avoiding unnecessary computation, you can significantly improve the performance of your Python program without the need for parallel processing. Here are a few tips for minimizing unnecessary computation:

  • Cache results whenever possible to avoid repeating expensive computations
  • Use efficient algorithms and data structures to minimize the amount of work required
  • Identify and eliminate any unnecessary steps in your computation

By following these tips, you can make your Python program faster and more efficient before considering more advanced optimization techniques such as parallel processing.

Example: Pre-computing data to avoid unnecessary computation

Before parallelizing a computation, it is important to identify any unnecessary or redundant computation that can be avoided. For example, if a computation depends on a large dataset that does not change, it may be more efficient to pre-compute the dataset and store it in memory rather than recomputing it for each task.

Here is an example of how to pre-compute data to avoid unnecessary computation:

# Define the computation to be parallelized
def parallel_computation(x, precomputed_data):
    return x**2 + precomputed_data

# Pre-compute the data
precomputed_data = sum(range(10000))

# Create a list of inputs
inputs = list(range(10))

# Use the map method to parallelize the computation
results = map(lambda x: parallel_computation(x, precomputed_data), inputs)

# Print the results

In this example, the data is pre-computed and stored in the precomputed_data variable. The parallel_computation function takes both an input x and the pre-computed data as arguments, and returns the square of x plus the pre-computed data. The map function is used to apply the parallel_computation function to each element of the inputs list in parallel. The results are then printed to the console.

Challenges of Parallel Processing

One of the challenges of parallel processing is that it can be difficult to manage the processes. This is because multiple processes can be running at the same time, and it can be difficult to keep track of which process is doing what.

To overcome this challenge, you can use a combination of Bash and Python. Bash is well-suited for executing commands and managing processes, while Python provides a more versatile and powerful programming language with extensive libraries and tools.

Example: Efficient Process Management with Bash and Python

Bash Script


# Execute long-running commands in parallel using subshells
for i in {1..100}; do
    # Replace this with your actual long-running command
    sleep 1

    # Echo the result or perform other operations
    echo "Command $i completed"
  ) &

# Wait for all subshells to finish

Python Script

import subprocess

bash_script = '''

# Execute long-running commands in parallel using subshells
for i in {1..100}; do
    # Replace this with your actual long-running command
    sleep 1

    # Echo the result or perform other operations
    echo "Command $i completed"
  ) &

# Wait for all subshells to finish

# Run the Bash script as a subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', bash_script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

# Print the output

In this example, the Bash script is stored as a multi-line string and then executed as a subprocess using subprocess.Popen(). The output of the subprocess is captured and printed.

By combining Bash and Python, you can leverage the strengths of both languages for efficient process management. Bash can be used for the process management part, while Python can be used for the more complex logic.

Introduction to parallel processing in Python

Parallel processing is a technique for running multiple computations concurrently in order to reduce the execution time of a program. In Python, there are several ways to parallelize a computation, including:

  1. Using the concurrent.futures module to create a thread pool
  2. Using the multiprocessing module to create a process pool
  3. Using the ipyparallel module to create a cluster of IPython engines

Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the appropriate method will depend on the specific requirements of the program and the hardware it is running on.

1. Using the concurrent.futures module to parallelize a computation with a thread pool

The concurrent.futures module provides a high-level interface for parallelizing a computation using a thread pool. A thread pool is a group of worker threads that can be used to parallelize the execution of a function. To use a thread pool, you must first create an Executor object using the ThreadPoolExecutor class. Then, you can use the map method of the executor object to apply a function to a list of inputs in parallel.

Here is a simple example of how to use the concurrent.futures module to parallelize a computation with a thread pool:

import concurrent.futures

# Define the computation to be parallelized
def parallel_computation(x):
    return x**2

# Create a list of inputs
inputs = list(range(10))

# Create a thread pool with 4 threads
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
    # Use the map method to parallelize the computation
    results =, inputs)

# Print the results

This code uses the concurrent.futures module to parallelize a simple computation using a thread pool. The computation is defined in the parallel_computation function, which takes a single input x and returns its square. A list of inputs is created and passed to the map method of the executor object, which applies the parallel_computation function to each input in parallel. The results are then printed to the console.

2. Using the multiprocessing module to parallelize a computation with a process pool

The multiprocessing module provides a simple and powerful way to parallelize a computation using a process pool. A process pool is a group of worker processes that can be used to parallelize the execution of a function. To use a process pool, you must first create a client and view using the Client and load_balanced_view classes. Then, you can use the map method of the view object to apply a function to a list of inputs in parallel.

Here is a simple example of how to use the multiprocessing module to parallelize a computation with a process pool:

import multipyparallel as ipp
import ipyparallel.client.asyncresult as ippa

# Create a client and view
client = ipp.Client()
view = client.load_balanced_view()

# Define the computation to be parallelized
def parallel_computation(x):
    return x**2

# Create a list of inputs
inputs = list(range(10))

# Use the map method to parallelize the computation
results =, inputs)

# Wait for the results to complete and retrieve the results
results = ippa.wait(results)

# Print the results

This code uses the multiprocessing module to parallelize a simple computation using a process pool. The computation is defined in the parallel_computation function, which takes a single input x and returns its square. A list of inputs is created and passed to the map method of the view object, which applies the parallel_computation function to each input in parallel. The wait method is used to wait for the results to complete and retrieve the final results. The results are then printed to the console.

Using a process pool allows you to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and run computations in parallel. However, keep in mind that process pools are more resource-intensive than thread pools, as each process requires its own memory space.

3. Using the ipyparallel module to parallelize a computation with a cluster of IPython engines

The ipyparallel module allows you to create a cluster of IPython engines and use them to parallelize a computation. An IPython engine is a Python interpreter that runs in a separate process. To use a cluster of IPython engines, you must first start the IPython cluster and create a client and view using the Client and load_balanced_view classes. Then, you can use the map method of the view object to apply a function to a list of inputs in parallel.

Here is an example of how to use the ipyparallel module to parallelize a computation with a cluster of IPython engines:

import ipyparallel as ipp
import ipyparallel.client.asyncresult as ippa

# Start the IPython cluster
!ipcluster start -n 4

# Create a client and view
client = ipp.Client()
view = client.load_balanced_view()

# Define the computation to be parallelized
def parallel_computation(x):
    return x**2

# Create a list of inputs
inputs = list(range(10))

# Use the map method to parallelize the computation
results =, inputs)

# Wait for the results to complete and retrieve the results
results = ippa.wait(results)

# Print the results

This code uses the ipyparallel module to parallelize a simple computation using a cluster of IPython engines. The ipcluster command is used to start the cluster with 4 engines. The computation is defined in the parallel_computation function, which takes a single input x and returns its square. A list of inputs is created and passed to the map method of the view object, which applies the parallel_computation function to each input in parallel. The wait method is used to wait for the results to complete and retrieve the final results. The results are then printed to the console.

Using a cluster of IPython engines allows you to distribute a computation across multiple machines and take advantage of even more processing power. However, keep in mind that this approach requires additional setup and overhead to manage the cluster.

Conclusion and Comparison of Parallelization Methods

In this tutorial, we covered several methods for parallelizing a computation in Python, including using the multiprocessing module, the concurrent.futures module, and the ipyparallel module. By using parallel processing, you can significantly reduce the execution time of your Python programs and make use of the full processing power of your hardware. With careful planning and the appropriate choice of parallelization method, you can greatly improve the performance of your Python code.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best method to use will depend on your specific needs. Here is a summary of the pros and cons of each method:

Method 1: Pre-computation

  • Pros: Can significantly reduce the execution time of a computation by avoiding unnecessary work.
  • Cons: Requires careful planning and may not be applicable to all types of computations.

Method 2: concurrent.futures module

  • Pros: Provides a high-level interface for parallelizing a computation using a thread pool. Simple to use and less resource-intensive than a process pool.
  • Cons: Limited to using a single machine and may not scale well to larger computations.

Method 3: multiprocessing module

  • Pros: Provides a simple and powerful way to parallelize a computation using a process pool. Can take advantage of multiple CPU cores.
  • Cons: More resource-intensive than a thread pool, as each process requires its own memory space.

Method 4: ipyparallel module

  • Pros: Allows you to create a cluster of IPython engines and distribute a computation across multiple machines. Can take advantage of even more processing power.
  • Cons: Requires additional setup and overhead to manage the cluster.

By considering the pros and cons of each method, you can choose the best approach for parallelizing your computation and achieve maximum performance.